Saturday, 16 June 2012

So it starts...

OK.  So I'd better start a blog then.  There's nothing like a countdown timer on your fundraising website to give you a right royal kick up the back cheeks.

I need to be able to run 13.1 miles by October.  I feel like laughing even as I type that.  At the moment the furthest I have ever run is 7.5 miles and that wasn't all in one go.  I do two speeds:

  • Speed 1: Canter along gently like an antiquated seaside donkey just heading off for its lunchtime nosebag - chatting away to my fellow runners and generally congratulating myself on being able to run at all. Face = salmon pink  Sweat level = slight droplets on nose
  • Speed 2: Hurtling along like a knock-kneed wildebeest having spotted a cheetah - lungs fighting with each other to pop out my mouth and generally wheezing like a blocked hoover extension pipe. Face = Victoria plum  Sweat level = rivulets trickling down my knees
Heading for the finish line
So what I'm hoping to do is mostly do speed 2 whilst feeling like speed 1.  Obviously this is never going to happen so I'll settle for occasionally doing Speed 2 for longer intervals.  Then and only then may I get to my ultimate goal of effortlessly gliding along like a gazelle, drawing gasps of admiration as I pass instead of mutterings of  'call a paramedic' and 'is it supposed to be that colour?'

Ho hum.  127 days to go y'say? 

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